Rental Vehicles

Travelers using a rental vehicle have several options for paying tolls when driving on the 405 Express Lanes.


Rental vehicles may be added to a 405 Express Lanes account. Your account will be charged each time the vehicle crosses any express lane, toll road, or bridge in California. To add a rental vehicle to your account, follow the steps below.

  • Log in to your account
  • Click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen
  • Click on Vehicles & Transponders
  • Click on +Add Vehicle
  • Enter the vehicle LP, Year, Make, Model, and Primary Color
  • In the Vehicle Designation section, put a check mark next to Temporary Vehicle
  • Enter the Effective Date and End Dates (The effective date is the day you received the rental. The End Date is the day you returned the vehicle to the rental agency.) If the day you return the vehicle changes (End Date), be sure to update it. Failure to properly update the rental period dates could lead to penalties and/or violations.
  • After completing the required information, click Save.

Rental/Temporary vehicles are the only vehicles that DO NOT require a transponder when driving on the 405 Express Lanes. Please do not attempt to move your sticker transponder from vehicle to vehicle. However,

  • If you have a hardcase switchable transponder: Before driving on an express Lanes, toll road, or bridge, add the rental vehicle’s license plate number to your account temporarily and transfer the hardcase transponder to the rental vehicle.
    Switchable Transponder
    Switchable Transponder
  • Additional transponders can be ordered online, via phone, or in person:
    • Online
      • Log in to your account
      • Click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen.
      • Click on “Vehicles & Transponders” then
      • “+Add A FasTrak Flex Switchable Transponder”
    • Phone – call (562) 740-4405
    • In Person - 1535 Scenic Avenue. Suite 125, Costa Mesa, CA 92626



Many rental car companies offer ways to pay tolls conveniently through the rental agreement. Before driving a rental vehicle on an express lane, toll road, or bridge ask the rental car company how they process tolls and fees. To open a new account, click here.